4  first steps on how to expand online; application must be installed : Kitaswara

Stay safe: How to extend your online passport by avoiding crowds

This year, it is considered safer how to extend online  passports. Everyone has been affected by the Covis-19 epidemic in recent months.” Consider the need to spend more time at home or avoid crowds, so paying close attention to online passports is now the  right choice.

Even moments ago, the work was abolished, and although it had been reopened since June 15,  2020,  there was no Salania Kemu, who wanted to expand online, and there was no  need to fight  just by covering a few documents.

Documents  are  requested as a  renewal condition; there are two categories, electronic ID cards and old passports.But the terms        only apply in the 2009   issue or  afterwards      This is  different in the  2009   Sub-Alam product,  and to be clearer, you can understand the following terms and steps:

Find out it is accurate to restore passports and documents to prepare

His general Indonesian passport   must   be understood to    be  five years  after the release of its first Pitama,  which can then be used  at any time to travel  outside Indonesia.  The situation  leaves a  page to seal the entrance  and  exit.

However,   it is not    recommended  to look for ways to extend the expiration  of the legal period online,  because immigration  does not  allow people with legal periods      of less than six months.    If you don’t want to get  in the way,  extend it  six months before the end.

As explained at the outset, the requirements for expansion may vary depending on the literature year,  especially in  2009 and beyond.  Meanwhile, before 2009, more  documents were needed   in publications.

It’s    almost identical  especially when a new kimu makes  how to expand the online passport problem before 2009  itself.  Among them are electronic ID cards,  family cards, and  old passports  , which are then  listed  as birth certificates and other characters.   The full date of birth is listed in accordance with the  names of the parents,  other  letters, and parents.

An  Indonesian citizen certificate     is also  needed,  especially for foreigners  who have   been converted into  Indonesian citizens  , especially  those who have changed  their names.   The detail of the documents required  for  individuals who  issued the passports    issued.

4  first steps on how to expand online; application must be installed

Choosing how to extend the online   passport  no  longer requires registration; later it is   still  necessary to come to the Immigration Office to   take  other important  steps  .  In  more details  ,  registration  here The easy way, starting with the installation of an application to save   the QR  code certificate  first.

  1. Install Apk service

The first step  is to  first install  the online passport service blackout on Android or iOS  devices.A  You  can download it on  both the app Store and the Google Play Store   . Later the application will be automatically  installed because it  Due to the official statement  by  HU Kum and  the  Immigration Directorate General of the Ministry of Human Rights of  the  Republic of Indonesia.

  1. Fill in the format

To fill in the   form on the plug worn in the next step. Fill   in   all the documents  that  KAMU  has previously prepared  ,  warn  you  to  always  be brave enough to do so.  It cannot be done as it should.

  1. Pilih Sched and Office Location

Another way  to expand your passport online is to not  forget to choose the location of the Immigration Office  .    Choose the nearest office, and  do  not  forget to adjust your  schedule for free,  so you can get things done without worrying about colliding with other important arrangements.

It is  also necessary  to meet the  number of people who will apply  for an extension. The   sender must also  make sure  that after  this supplement is finished , the referrant can click on the advanced list for the next step .

  1. Don’t forget to save evidence of registration

When  the form-filling steps filled out with  the entire registration are completed, the transferrer has a QR  rule This code is evidence that  Kamu signed up for  an extended application.This  is  subsequently selected in advance  Save    this  identification so you  can  show it to the  officer at the  immigration  office.

4 steps on how to interact with your passport  online  are the fees you pay here

In addition to the above steps, there are other steps  to be taken, including the following:

  1. Visit the immigration office as   planned

In  addition to the registration timetable, the transferrer made the location of his office.  Another way  to extend your passport online   is   time Do not forget to  bring the  necessary documents, and make sure  that you are dressed neatly if    necessary.  The photo on the latest passport is also good.

  1. Show evidence of registration

The sender  must  also bring  a  QR code evidence  of registration.  When you arrive at the Immigration Office  , show this evidence to the officer  .  Later, the officer will provide some form.  Fill in the prepared  requirements and the  form to be checked later.

  1. Step by step with an interview

If  there are several classes, you need to wait until the interview level for a long time, then ask  some questions and proceed with photography. You will   also take   your fingerprint stamps, and  wait  until you take the next step  back.

  1. Pay with the following fees

The last way to expand your passport online is to complete the payment work, and  the  amount to be paid may vary depending  on the type   of passport.  For example, a  regular 24-page page Rp100 is Rp100;  000,Rp200.000  ,-.  costs a different  Rp300 on 48 pages. 000,Rp600.00.00  Yes, there is a danger,-.

This is  different  for a  24-page e-passport; the cost is  around Rp350. Up to  Rp80.000  up to Rp80.000,-.  The 48 pages of  e-passports contain around Rp600, up from 000,200,000,000,000,000,-.  Additional service  charges for using biometric-based publishing technology  on e-passports  for  55,000 IDRs can also be exposed to additional service charges,-.

Later, the referral needs  to wait three days’  distance from work until the newly updated terport passport is completed.  The giver can choose  to  pick up  directly at the Immigration Office or send it home.  Not only choose which method is the easiest way to do so  .     Additional costs for home delivery selection could apply.

How to restore the elderly Passport

If you  have a valid passport that has an expiration  period  , there is  no need  to  worry because it can still be extended, even  though the  elderly person  has been more than five years    after the first publication. It is not very different.

You  need to complete  the  requirements  yourself, including Photocopy and the  original ID card, and  then  an old  passport with a valid date  Kamu then  goes through the  same steps later when the passport expansion  is still active    It   could  have been through the service shoulder or  manual   , namely visiting the immigration  office.

This level of extension  of the legal period itself  is the latest,  especially legal for Indonesian passports by 2020 It should  also be noted that the month was extended  to 10 years    , meaning  that  if extended now,  the passport  would be valid for 10 years.

Traveling outside Indonesia requires a number of requirements, one of which  is  a passport,  so  always make sure  your passport is valid for  at least  six months  so  it doesn’t  get in the way during the immigration   process  .    Or you only  have to  choose to use an online passport renewal method  by hand  .

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